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 1. America's Future Foundation  Social Security Rountable - March 17, 2005  America's Future Foundation 
 2. Center on Congress  social security  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 3. Center on Congress  social security  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 4. Center on Congress  social security  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 5. Center on Congress  social security  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 6. Center on Congress  social security  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 7. Frank Moore For President 2008  on Social Security  www.frankmooreforpresident08.com 
 8. Ray Korona Band  Social Security Rag   
 9. Center on Congress  social security  Congressional Moments Series 26 
 10. Capgun Coup  Social Security Number  Brought To You By Nebraska Fish  
 11. Tom Eston and Dan Hanson/Dan Hanson and Tom Eston  Social Media Security  The Great Lakes Geek Show 
 12. DJ Social Security  TemporalFusion 127 DJ Social Security  vol.127 
 13. Northwestern Alumni Association  Getting Behind the Rhetoric on Social Security  Learning Tracks 
 14. Adam Hamilton  God's Social Security Plan  The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection 
 15. Franklin Delano Roosevelt  Remarks On Signing the Social Security Act   
 16. William Shipman  Saving Social Security Reform  Cato Daily Podcast 
 17. Aaron Titus  Social Security Numbers and Transcripts  The Privacy Podcast 
 18. Dick Armey  Armey on Social Security, Immigration  Cato Daily Podcast 
 19. Dick Armey  Armey on Social Security, Immigration  Cato Daily Podcast 
 20. Franklin Delano Roosevelt  Remarks On Signing the Social Security Act   
 21. Dale Steinreich  Retirement and Social Security: The Case for Abolition  Brown Bag Seminar 
 22. Cody Trepte  My Exposed Insecurity- Social Security Number  alectricity 2 
 23. Robert LeFevre  In Gods We Trust?: Social Security Among the Ancient Incas  Robert LeFevre Commentary 
 24. Darren Lacey, Chief Information Security Officer, Johns Hopkins University/Johns Hopkins Medicine  Managing Insecurity: Practitioner Reflections on Social Costs of Security  17th USENIX Security Symposium Invited Talks 
 25. Jack Clark  145-The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights: Progressive Values Globally Endorsed / Debunking The Right's Lies About A Social Security Crisis  Blast The Right 
 26. David Fraser  2005-10-29 God's Social Agenda  Pasdac 2005 
 27. CNET News.com  CNET Security Bites - March 17, 2006  http://podcast.news.com/ 
 28. http://www.mckeay.net  Network Security Podcast, Episode 18, March 14, 2006  Network Security Podcast 
 29. Bill Sisk, CISSP and Adrian Stone, Lead Security Program Manager  TechNet Webcast Audio: Information About Microsoft March Security Bulletins   
 30. David Johnson  eDave.org Security News #9 2/16/2005  eDave.org Security News 
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